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In my experience, meditation is a wonderful way of starting to peel ourselves off the constant chatter of the mind, the overflowing of emotions. When meditating, we often give our mind a simple task to do (like counting breaths or repeating a mantra). Whenever we notice that we have started thinking again, we go back to that task.

We are not our thoughts, we are the one hearing them. We are, however, so used to being involved in them, that meditation can be really hard. It is easier to do in a group, e. g. meeting in person or over Zoom, which also offers the opportunity to share and hear from others.

Hence, you are very welcome to join my free meditation groups online and in person:


Online Lunchtime Meditation: Wednesdays at 12 noon

We meet in silence for a total of 30 mins and meditate. It is helpful to have some meditation experience as there is no introduction to meditation in the beginning and no guidance during the meditation.
Please email me in advance if you plan to join for the first time, so I can send you the Zoom link.
Next dates in January 2025: 1/8, 1/15 and 1/22


New Meditation Group:
Wednesday Evenings at Lebensraum at 6:30 pm

We meet for an hour in total to meditate and have a bit of time to chat. We start with some stretching and then meditate in silence. Before and after the meditation there is time for sharing. Cushions and chairs are provided, if you would like a blanket you are welcome to bring it.
Next dates January 2025: 1/8, 1/15 and 1/22

I'm very much looking forward to having you join!