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In my experience, meditation is a wonderful way of starting to peel ourselves off the constant chatter of the mind, the overflowing of emotions. When meditating, we often give our mind a simple task to do (like counting breaths or repeating a mantra). Whenever we notice that we have started thinking again, we go back to that task.

We are not our thoughts, we are the one hearing them. We are, however, so used to being involved in them, that meditation can be really hard. It is easier to do in a group, e. g. meeting in person or over Zoom, which also offers the opportunity to share and hear from others.

Hence, I would like to invite you to join me for my weekly lunchtime meditation

Wednesdays at 12 noon

There is no ideology involved, everyone is welcome, just people coming together, all of us learning to watch thoughts and not think them. It takes about 30 min and is free.

Please email me in advance, so that I know that you are coming or that I can send you the Zoom link.

Looking forward to having you join!